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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including 7 closely related terms such as carbon, low carbon, and low carbon energy.

1 result

Amber Valley Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… and can be used to demonstrate the impact of switching supplies upon GHG emissions. The impact of switching energy supplies (electricity and gas) to renewable/low carbon energy tariffs on GHG emissions, has been modelled assuming that selected tariffs supplied via Crown Commercial Services are backed up with Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin Certificates (REGOs). Market-based GHG…

… ..................................................................................................................................... 11 4.2 Switching to Low Carbon/Renewable Energy Tariffs .................................................................................. 11 4.3 Overview of Reduction Pathways ............................................................................................................... 12 4.4 Combined Maximum Reduction Pathway…

… ............................................................................................. 19 5.1 Site Electricity Consumption ....................................................................................................................... 19 5.2 Site Gas Consumption ................................................................................................................................. 20 5.3 Switching to Low Carbon/Renewable Energy Tariffs…

… are calculated based on electricity and natural gas conversion factors sourced from the UK Government, which are an average of the supply mixture for the National Grid. These factors have been used in the modelling of all GHG Emissions Reduction Pathways. Market-Based GHG Emissions Market-based GHG emissions are calculated based specific energy supply mixtures for low carbon/renewable energy tariffs…

… its GHG emissions, in both buildings and transport. These measures include energy efficiency, technological upgrades, expansion of on-site renewables, and behavioural change (increasing awareness and encouraging staff to use energy efficiently). In addition, we are also looking at opportunities to switch energy supplies to low carbon/renewable energy tariffs. Net Zero Reduction Pathways…


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