Including 12 closely related terms such as low carbon technologies, carbon, and low carbon.
… ........................................................................................................................................ 15 2.3 Wealden District Council baseline ...................................................................................................................... 19 2.4 Low carbon technologies in Wealden as of 2019 ..................................................................................... 23 3. Routes to Net Zero: Carbon emissions projections…
… Strategy also indicates that, in future, Building Regulations will be updated ‘to mandate that all new residential developments must contain the enabling cabling for charge-points in the homes.’ Regional Environment Strategy for East Sussex (2011) The Environment Strategy for East Sussex13 outlines a commitment to protect the environment, reduce carbon emissions and adapt to climate change…
…. Published in 2011, the Strategy considers a 15-year timeframe (i.e. up to 2026). As described by the East Sussex County Council (ESCC), ‘key aims of the strategy include: • minimising the amount of waste created and getting more waste re-used and recycled • reducing carbon emissions and the use of fossil fuels • improving habitats to reverse and prevent the loss of plant and animal species…
… a 2050 target for emissions reductions, five-yearly ‘carbon budgets’ (limits on emissions over a set time period which act as stepping stones towards the 2050 target), and the development of a climate change adaptation plan.’5 The CCC is an independent statutory body which sets the magnitude of carbon budgets; the Government must prepare policies accordingly. • The Paris Climate Agreement…
… and flexible power and accelerating the shift to low carbon transport, smart grids and energy storage. The delivery of low carbon heating is identified as a priority, indicating that heat pumps, district heating networks and a hydrogen gas grid could all support the scale of change required, while acknowledging the significant technical and financial obstacles. The Clean Growth Strategy also…