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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including 5 closely related terms such as carbon, carbon emissions, and reduce carbon.

1 result

Manchester City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… all of our 57,000 street lights with energy efficient LEDs. The project (£32.8m) involves procurement and installation of state-of-the-art, low energy, light emitting diode (LED) street lighting technology and complete in 2020. The Council has worked with Salix Finance to fund this scheme, who provide loans to the public sector to improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and lower…

… energy bills. When completed, this will reduce carbon emissions by around 8,400 tonnes per year and save the Council £2 million. ● The buildings in the Council’s operational estate represented 68.9% of the Council’s direct carbon dioxide emissions in 2018/19. The Carbon Reduction Programme (£10.2m) will invest in schemes such as combined heat and power, solar photovoltaic panels, and the use…

… and reduce carbon emissions by circa 1,600 tonnes per annum. The remaining funding has been earmarked to support energy conservation or production measures at buildings where wider refurbishments are being designed. Further stages of investments and improvements are planned. ● Committing to the installation of a Civic Quarter Heat Network which will connect the Town Hall, Town Hall Extension…

… action plan. Additional capacity will also be provided to support the development and funding of neighbourhood schemes and priorities as the schemes are developed. Capital Reducing carbon emissions is included within the Capital Strategy as one of the key priorities for future capital spend. The development of all capital schemes and associated investment must consider the effect…

…; Manchester: A Certain Future. In 2010 we produced the first Manchester City Council Climate Change Delivery Plan which set out how the Council would provide citywide leadership on climate change whilst embedding low- carbon thinking and behaviour in our culture, processes and the operation of all our services. In June 2018, Manchester Climate Change Partnership and Agency commissioned the Tyndall…


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