Including 7 closely related terms such as low carbon, carbon, and carbon emissions.
…, notably through the rapid spread of climate emergency declarations and the wider adoption of ambitious plans to reduce carbon emissions rapidly in the coming decade. Delivering on these commitments could require changes that could transform the city that we live in. Although many people in the climate world see this as progress, we need to be careful in assuming that everyone buys into what…
…, the Commission is ‘an independent voice in the city, providing authoritative advice on steps towards a low carbon, climate resilient future so as to inform policies and shape the actions of local stakeholders and decision makers’. Central to any vision for achieving zero carbon must be the opinions of local residents. In recognition of this the Leeds Climate Commission in the summer of 2019…
… this could mean. Here in Leeds we often talk about the need for a ‘social licence’ for transformative change, and for the low carbon transition to be something that is not done to the people of the city, but something that is done by them and for them. To secure permission for transformative change, we’ve long needed to hear more from all sections of the city, especially those that may…