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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including 10 closely related terms such as low carbon economy, carbon economy, and low carbon.

1 result

Lincolnshire County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… of reducing our CO2e emissions and contribute to national efforts on carbon reduction. As an integral part of our vision for the future, LCC is committed to developing sustainable practices that will continue to demonstrate our commitment to reduce carbon emissions and remain efficient and effective in our operations. Furthermore, we are committing to the Government's Emissions Reduction Pledge…

… ......................................................................................................... 65 LCC Carbon Management Plan Page | 6 1. Executive Summary 1.1 This Carbon Management Plan (CMP) sets out our strategy and action plan for continuing to reduce carbon emissions over the next 5 years. It identifies the tangible and intangible benefits of Carbon Management and describes the governance arrangements to keep the programme on track. LCC has successfully…

… on climate change, to lead the way in developing regional mechanisms to reduce carbon emissions. 1.3. The development of CMP3 for LCC is a key deliverable to ensure the council meets its carbon reduction targets of 20% by: 1) Installing energy efficiency measures within LCC property portfolio. 2) Solar PV opportunities within LCC property portfolio. 3) Upgrading street lights to LED. 4…

… recognised as one of the greatest environmental and economic threats. LCC is determined to play a full part in delivering on our collective responsibility to reduce carbon emissions. Our drivers for tackling climate change 2.3 The UK has made specific domestic and international commitments to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. Many public sector bodies and private businesses are taking…

… a strategic view of carbon emissions, under pressure from regulation, market forces and stakeholders. Local Authorities are subject to many of these drivers, shown in more detail below. LCC therefore recognises the significant role it can play in helping to accelerate national transitions towards developing a low carbon economy. 6) LCC Carbon Management Plan Page | 13…


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