Including 5 closely related terms such as low carbon, carbon, and low carbon fuel.
… Published in July this strategy commits the government to, amongst other things, decarbonising all forms of transport, decarbonising the freight and logistics sector and maximising the benefits of low carbon fuels. UK Hydrogen Strategy This policy paper published…
… in August sets the approach the government is taking to developing the low carbon hydrogen sector to meet the UK ambition of 5GW low carbon hydrogen production capacity by 2030. Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener Including The Heat and Buildings Strategy The Net Zero Strategy sets out a variety of policy and proposals to achieve net zero by 2050 and was published in October 2021. It is currently…
… opportunities with Southern Water on capturing and using heat from waste water Low carbon heat source enabled Director of Planning and Regeneration & Cabinet Members for Planning & Infrastructure and Sustainability Short Term Medium Term Long Term Can be delivered using existing resources As opportunities arise No opportunities at present E6 Support and progress development…