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Search results for "local development plan"

Including 4 closely related terms such as develop, develop plan, and local plan.

1 result

London Borough of Wandsworth

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

…) during May and June. ECO3 funding has now finished and ECO4 has now replaced it, officers are working with Warmfront to develop plans on how to utilise this new funding stream for council housing. A bid was submitted in November 2022 for Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund, focused on improving individual tenanted properties both when they are vacant between lettings and when occupied…

… they start being occupied and used. The Local Plan outlines a vision and spatial strategy to guide the development of the borough from 2023, when the Plan is anticipated to be adopted, to 2038. It sets out key objectives for the borough, which are supported by planning policies, area strategies and - at the smallest scale - detailed guidance for the development of specific sites. The new Local Plan

… has a strong focus on supporting climate mitigation and adaptation, the objectives, area strategy and policies of the Local Plan require climate change mitigation and adaptation of development and a reduction in the emissions of carbon dioxide, in accordance with the ambition of the borough to be zero carbon by 2043. Specifically Policy LP10: Responding to the Climate Crisis, requires…

… to require connection or future connection. In 2022 the new Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination in Public by a Planning Inspector, which took place in November 2022. The Council is awaiting the final outcome of the Inspection, with formal adoption of the Local Plan due in April 2023. Climate Action Plan delivery in 2023 44. Delivery of the final phase…

… College to improve and increase the skills of those either in the workforce already or about to enter the workforce so they have the skills needed to deliver on retrofit, energy efficiency and low carbon buildings. With a new Local Plan adopted in 2023, the planning framework will be in place to ensure that new buildings will have lower emissions and be better equipped for a low carbon and climate…


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