Including the closely related terms local plan, and local.
… development 3.16 Deliver the Urban Greening Factor requirement for relevant developments in line with London Plan, ensuring that maintenance plans for green infrastructure are secured by planning condition. Head of Development Management In progress 2030 3.17 Establish new allotment provision and community food growing areas through the Local Plan policies and processes as sites are developed. Head…
… approaches has come out strongly through the feedback we have gathered and this will be reflected in our planning. Getting this plan right is key to our collective success. We don’t have all the answers so we welcome our communities’ input on how we can do this in the most effective way. The responses received to the recent further engagement on the Local Plan, which had climate as a key element…
… of the conversation, is also relevant to the long-term ambition of this plan. A report capturing the feedback from the further engagement on the Local Plan will be available shortly. A Kingston Climate Action website The content will include: ● Information, advice and guidance ● Signposting and links to useful websites ● The promotion of initiatives that are already happening in Kingston ● Opportunities to get…