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Search results for "local development plan"

Including 7 closely related terms such as development, develop, and local plan.

1 result

Durham County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Council buildings will utilise low carbon technologies or heating. • Seaham Garden Village will be developed as a beacon of what can be achieved when private and public sector partners work together. • Local plan policy prevents the use of fossil fuel heating for new developments in off-gas areas. • The extension of the Council’s prestige enterprise zone, NETPark phase 3 will not use gas to heat its…

…. It is essential that new development does not overly increase this burden as there is no room in our carbon budget for an increase in emissions from new development. It is recognised that there will inevitably be some increase with the amount of new development planned over the County Durham Plan period (2035), however whilst new housing will not be allowed to connect to the gas network by 2025…


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