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Search results for "local development plan"

Including 4 closely related terms such as local plans, local plan, and local planning.

1 result

Burnley Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. The policies of the local plan provide an up-to- date framework for determining planning applications and balancing the issues of climate change and other social, economic and environmental imperatives. 3.21 The Local Plan policies are however constantly monitored to see whether they need updating. Updating a local plan is a long and expensive process which takes a number of years. A local plan must…

…; effects of Climate Change 4 - Greenhouse Gases 4 3. National and Local Policy 6 - Emissions Targets 6 - Renewable Energy Targets 6 - Petrol and Diesel Vehicles 6 - Building Regulations 6 - National Planning Policy 7 - Burnley’s Local Plan 7 - Planning Reform 8 4. The Scope of the Strategy 9 - Burnley Council’s Role 9 - Working with Lancashire County Council (LCC) 9 - Working…

….” (National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) para 152) 3.12 By law, Local Plans must include “policies designed to secure that the development and use of land in the local planning authority’s area contribute to the mitigation of, and adaptation to, climate change”. 8 3.13 The NPPF Para 11 states that all Local Plans “should promote a sustainable pattern of development that seeks to: meet…

… to climate change mitigation and adaptation as fully as possible. Burnley’s Local Plan 3.15 The borough’s Local Plan was adopted in 2018. In line with the above-mentioned legal requirements and national planning policy 10 it addresses climate change through a number of its policies. It is important to note that the Local Plan only sets the policy framework for new development that requires…

…. Growth will be managed so that its takes place in the most appropriate locations, promotes the re-use of previously developed land and buildings, energy efficiency and sustainable design; and encourages the use of decentralised and renewable or low carbon energy sources” (pg.29). 3.17 The Local Plan addresses climate change through a number of policies including those that seek to reduce…


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