Including 6 closely related terms such as development, develop, and local development.
… and climate change mitigation policies. This will incorporate the results of an inter-authority Climate Change & Mitigation Study led by Newcastle Under Lyme Borough Council in partnership with Keele University. Review Local Development Plans to include policies which ensure that they make a contribution to both climate mitigation and adaption. Adopt proactive strategies to mitigate…
… flag awards- biodiversity Green Flag Awards achieved Council & Partners Ongoing Open Spaces 6.2 Develop and implement a Centenary woodland management plan (aimed at improving biodiversity) and use this as the basis for developing other areas within the borough Plan developed Plan implemented Council & Partners 2022 2025 Open Spaces 6.3 Explore how the Council…
… in the determination of planning applications to provide high quality sustainable development that minimises the adverse impacts of climate change. Climate Change SPD considered Council 2021 Planning/ Environmental Health 11.2 Investigate viable options for new developments to adapt to a changing climate that would satisfy the requirements of the NPPF, and allow us to develop local plan energy…