Including 4 closely related terms such as develop, development, and development.
… to availability of s106 funding, possible HCC has prepared a Major Roads Network bid for 11 Delivery Plan in the new Local Plan. Infrastructure and Regeneration Hertfordshire County Council completed within 3-5 years at: a) A10 with A121 and B198, Waltham Cross b) A10 and College Rd, Cheshunt c) A10 and Church Lane, Cheshunt Growth Deal funding, other…
… and Licencing, Communications Manager Link to air quality alerts is made available via the Council’s website (in place). Encourage residents to reduce their personal car use. Existing On-going. 12 Objective 5: Protect and enhance biodiversity Task Responsibility Target Resourcing Programme update RAG status 5.1 Implement the new Local Plan, including commitments…
…. Ride Leader training to take place in Broxbourne in Autumn 2021. d) Included in plans for Waltham Cross development. 7.4 Lobby to improve public transport in the Borough and promote the use of low emission buses. Head of Planning and Development Planning Policy Manager Lobbying undertaken for bus routes to major housing developments and stations, for a new…
… Hertfordshire Digital Innovation Zone (DIZ) to make the case for “fibre to the premises” (FTTP) infrastructure throughout the Borough. Economic Development Manager Evidence of reporting and lobbying for FTTP infrastructure. Existing Discussions taking place with delivery companies for FTTP. 10.7 Encourage larger businesses in the Borough to develop plans to reduce petrol…