Including the closely related terms local plan, and local.
…. Continue to encourage new buildings in East Devon to meet high construction standards with new homes achieving high standards of energy efficiency/sustainability, and commercial buildings the equivalent of BREEAM Very good in accordance with Strategy 38 of the Local Plan. Ongoing EF Having a robust policy for granting permissions for low energy buildings. Work with Exeter, Teignbridge and Mid…
… at this stage and unsure if direct costs on the Council. Gather evidence and develop policy ideas for consideration for inclusion in the review of the East Devon Local Plan for specific measures to address climate change in new developments in the district in the future. (September 2020). September 2020 EF Directing funding raised through planning contributions towards carbon reduction…
… initiatives. Continue to require all major commercial developments and residential developments of 10 or more homes to manage surface water run off through sustainable drainage systems unless demonstrated to be inappropriate in accordance with Policy EN22 of the Local Plan (On-going). Ongoing EF Managing surface water through engineered sustainable drainage schemes. Progress the Cranbrook Plan…
… permission for developments such as solar panels, wind turbines and other renewable energy solutions where they comply with Strategy 39 of the Local Plan. Ongoing EF Encouragement for renewable energy generation applications. Pilot the Council Tax and Business Rate discount scheme for those who install energy efficiency measures to their homes or business as funded by BEIS. Evaluate and report…