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Search results for "local development plan"

Including the closely related terms local plans, local plan, and local.

1 result

Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… Code for Sustainable Homes, and made it clear that local plans should not be setting any additional local technical standards or requirements relating to the energy performance of new dwellings. The view taken by the Government was that the energy perfor- mance of new build homes is a matter for the national Building Regulations re- gime. The submitted Local Plan responds well to the sections…

… of the National Plan- ning Policy Framework (NPPF) addressing ‘Planning for climate change’. Where the Local Plan is silent on a specific issue, the NPPF and this Climate Change strategy will remain material planning considerations to be taken into account in determining future planning applications. The Plan will be subject to review once adopted and any new national policy initiatives, including for cli…


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