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Search results for "local development plan"

Including the closely related terms local plan, and local.

1 result

South Cambridgeshire District Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… the transition to zero carbon in the district. ongoing We have commissioned a major study to inform the development of Local Plan policies to support the transition to zero carbon. This is underway with the initial report expected to be ready for publication before the end of the year. Strategic spatial options assessment: Implications for carbon emissions was published in November 2020. Further…

… through the Net Zero Collective, work continues to upgrade insulation on void properties which were missed in earlier improvement programmes due to unwillingness of residents to have the work done. Internal wall insulation is also being installed to two non-standard properties where EWI was not possible. 2.2 A3 We will develop appropriate policies such that our new Local Plan supports…

Plan. Meanwhile, Policy SC/12: Air Quality in the current Local Plan requires the submission of a Low Emissions Strategy for all major developments and developments where air quality is likely to be an issue. Specific guidance on how this policy should be implemented including provision of EV charging infrastructure, forms part of the Greater Cambridge Sustainable Design…

Local Plan, looking at ways to prioritise sustainable transport modes and ensure that new development provides ev charging infrastructure. The requirements set out in the Greater Cambridge Sustainable Design and Construction SPD will continue to be applied to new developments in the district in the interim. 2.19 and 2.20 A21 Increase collection facilities for clothing and small electrical…

… in Greater Cambridge has been commissioned. The report is expected to be published as part of the Local Plan evidence base this autumn. This report has been published 3.1, 3.2 v) Energy vi) Land and Trees A35 Support tree-planting through our Tree Warden Network ongoing The Tree Warden Scheme is a national initiative co-ordinated by The Tree Council to enable people to play an active role…


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