Including 13 closely related terms such as development plans, development, and develop.
… planning partners land using appropriate software. 3.5 Each of these actions seek to mitigate and adapt to climate change. 3.6 The principle of sustainable development underpins the Midlothian Local Development Plan 2017 (MLDP) which contains a number of policies and proposals designed to support and deliver a future land-use strategy for Midlothian. The accompanying MLDP Action Programme monitors…
… a degree of fluctuation in total emissions but between 2015 and 2018 there has been a year on year reduction. However, Midlothian is the fastest growing local authority area in Scotland and much of that growth has come about in the last few years and principally as a result of major planned house building (Midlothian Local Development Plan 2017 (MLDP)) and inward migration. Over this period house…
… or “Green City Deal” Midlothian Council Climate Change Strategy - August 2020 16 Midlothian Council Climate Change Strategy - August 2020 5.24 In preparing the Midlothian Local Development Plan (MLDP) and determining planning applications, the Council works in close partnership with Key Agencies, particularly those with environmental remits (17) to develop policy, assess the impact of planned…
… sustainable development and making a significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The development plan provides a spatial strategy and policy framework to manage the development and change of use of land over a ten-year period whereas the development management process regulates development and change through the planning application and appeals process. Together both processes have…
… system in Scotland, principally in respect of the development plan process and makes the National Planning Framework (NPF) (prepared by Government), part of the statutory development plan and replaces Strategic Development Plans with a requirement to prepare Regional Spatial Strategies (RSS). 5.23 As part of the new development plan process, the Government has confirmed that the next NPF…