Including the closely related terms local plan, local plan process, and local.
… standards (or similar) Actions that support the development of a Passivhaus Trust standards or similar considered 5 Actively seek opportunities to develop the borough’s carbon neutral homes Through the Local Plan process identify potential locations and developers to build the borough’s carbon neutral homes Local Plan formally adopted Head of Planning Need to assess…
… a Local Plan and associated policies that contribute positively and demonstrate the Council’s commitment to climate change Bring forward a Local Plan which includes planning design policies which supports the delivery of new homes that are energy efficient with minimal environmental impact. Through partnership working bring forward the borough’s first carbon neutral home and gain a better…
… understanding and knowledge of construction methods and costs. Aligned to formal published Local Plan timetable Head of Planning Existing budget Local Plan & Policies approved Objective Outcomes Timescale Lead Officer What this will cost and how will it will be funded How will we measure success A proposal for the Council to adopt PassivhausTrust…
… if costs with developers A local plan that promotes the build of carbon neutral homes 6 Work with contractors to move the electrical power to renewable sources Write to the Council’s current contractors to ask them to review their current energy suppliers and explore switching their electricity to renewable sources. Arrangements with new contractors to be designed…