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Search results for "local development plan"

Including the closely related terms develop, local plan, and local.

1 result

South Gloucestershire Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. DEVELOP Planning -Ensure new local plan policies relate to Climate Emergency, nature recovery and biodiversity aims in response to the public consultation and new evidence emerging. This will include revised evidence for a Net Zero Carbon Policy for New Development, includes renewable energy resource assessment. Purpose: To ensure we maximise Climate Emergency outcomes of new local plan policies

… data that enables green infrastructure corridors to be identified on the Ordinance Survey based Local Plan Policies Map which can be used for establishing and maintaining ecologically healthy green infrastructure corridors. DEVELOP Planning - Adopt by April 2021 NEW SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING DOCUMENTS SPD covering Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems, Trees on Development Sites; Green…

… the council has robust green infrastructure targets that are given statutory weight through the council’s Local Plan. DEVELOP River Frome fish pass - To support work to create a fish pass at Nibley on the river Frome. Purpose: To restore the free movement of fish on the river Frome. IMPLEMENT Swift tower – install 1 pilot tower and associated feeding habitat at a council owned site. DEVELOP…

… and resilience). Purpose: To increase funding to deliver climate emergency aims. DEVELOP 2 Carbon assessment tools - Work with WECA to deliver and apply carbon assessment tools to be used to guide WECA investment decision making and the regional spatial development strategy, the renewable energy resource assessment (RERAS), the new local plan/plan consultations and supplementary planning…

… to reduce emissions through our procurement services. PREPARE Environmental Policy - To update Council’s wider Environmental Policy. Purpose: To ensure the council’s wider environmental policies are in keeping with highest environmental standards and co-ordinate with the Council’s new Local Plan where appropriate and relevant. DEVELOP Avon Pension Fund - Support the Avon Pension Fund to focus…


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