Including the closely related terms local plan, local plan review, and local.
… Action 1.2 Work with Kent County Council (KCC) to develop our Integrated Transport Strategy, and Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan, as part of the Local Plan review to promote and support a modal shift to walking, cycling, public transport, and electric vehicles. Output: Integrated Transport Strategy Developed. Outcome: Increase in infrastructure supporting walking, cycling, buses…
… of E, F or G. Outcome: No homes with EPC rating of E, F or G by 2025 and all homes to be C or better by 2035. Cost and responsibility: Housing and Health and Communications Staff time. Timescale: 2020-30 Action 2.3 Investigate how to support low carbon heat networks. Output: Identify potential of low carbon networks. Outcome: Evidence base to support new direction in Local Plan Review. Cost…
… Plan review process to investigate and encourage on-site renewables on all types of new developments. Output: Research produced for onsite renewable generation for all new developments. Outcome: Foundations laid for setting out requirements for renewable energy generation on new developments in Local Plan. Cost and responsibility: Strategic planning Manager time. Timescale: 2020-22…
…. Action 5.1 Provide policy on climate change adaptation in Local Plan review, including consideration of flooding, heat and drought. Output: Climate change adaptation is included as part of Local Plan review. Outcome: Local Plan review provides policy of climate change adaptation. Cost and responsibility: Strategic Planning team time and BCC Manager. Timescale: 2020-22…
… Action 5.2 Ensure Local Plan review considers level of current and future projected flood risk and that new developments are planned accordingly. Output: Flood risks and climate projections are explicitly considered in Local Plan review. Strategic flood risk assessment in local plan review – measure projected Outcome: New developments will be directed away from areas of projected flood risk…