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Search results for "local development plan"

Including 5 closely related terms such as develop, development, and local plan.

1 result

London Borough of Camden

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… including schools. 6 By 2022, launch a new retrofit programme for Camden. 7 Over 2022-23, support a local community energy group to deliver a pilot low-carbon heating project. 8 By 2025, review the Council’s Local Plan Policy on Climate change mitigation, namely the existing zero carbon target and energy efficiency across a range of developments. 9 By 2025, develop a carbon-offsetting…

… a new retrofit policy and programme for Camden addressing the competing priorities of issues such as energy efficiency, heritage and other Local Plan priorities. Any policy development would inform and be informed by emerging regional work on retrofit. 3 From 2020, require all major developments in Camden to be zero carbon (London Plan definition). 4 From 2020, require all major…

… scheme for local developments, residents and businesses to offset their residual emissions. The scheme will require participants to have done all that they can to reduce direct and indirect emissions before looking to offset. The Climate Action Plan will deliver the following actions over the next 5 years. We will review actions annually and add to them as more projects, funding…


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