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Search results for "local development plan"

Including 5 closely related terms such as develop, local plan, and local planning.

1 result

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… planning priorities to inform developersplanning applications. 6.10.4 Consideration should be given to introducing specific local planning policies to reduce carbon associated with the urban environment at the earliest opportunity. Two examples proposed so far include:  The use of Section 106 agreements to require developers to pay into a carbon reduction fund. The amount to be paid would…

… and further expansion of green infrastructure will also be essential to borough-wide climate emergency adaptation measures, for example by providing natural drainage to protect against flooding. 6.10.3 The Council can also reduce emissions associated with the urban environment through planning policy and services. Rotherham’s Local Plan already makes provision for climate change and related issues…


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