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Search results for "local development plan"

Including the closely related terms local plan, and local.

1 result

Hartlepool Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… the climate crisis. Hartlepool Local Plan • Adopted the Local Plan in 2018 • The Local Plan covers topics on climate mitigation and adaptation, sustainable transport networks, the natural environment, green infrastructure and ecological networks Climate Pledge • Adopted our first Climate Pledge in December 2021, committing to deliver on 7 key priorities including setting out a clear…

… work towards achieving our emission goals, the council will ensure that efforts to reduce emissions will not undermine the delivery of the essential services that we provide to the residents of the borough. Armed with a climate strategy, we aim to make Hartlepool a greener and healthier place to live. The strategy is designed to keep in line with our overall vision outlined in the Local

Plan, and to ensure the efficient allocation of resources directed to the right areas within the authority to create the biggest impact. It will also touch on areas further afield where the council may have the ability to influence change. Hartlepool a Council that is ambitious, fit for purpose and reflects the diversity of its community an inclusive and growing economy…


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