Including the closely related terms local plan, and local.
… and Reduction Plan 2020 – 2030 (V1.2) 14 Table 4: Buildings and Infrastructure - Carbon Reduction Actions Ref. Action Description When Est. carbon savings [tCO2e/ year] Est. capital cost [£] Funding source Est. savings [£/year] Est. sim- ple pay- back [years] Lead Buildings and Infrastructure 32 Local Plan – Planning Application Criteria The new…
… Local Plan will play a central role in ad- dressing the climate emergency by setting out a development strategy and policies that seek to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and support the transition to a low carbon future. As well as delivering improvements to green and blue infra- structure, flood risk, air quality, recycling and waste management. The Plan will form the basis on which planning…
… applications in the borough will be determined. With Adoption of the New Lo- cal Plan n/a n/a Local Plan budget 29 n/a n/a Planning 33 Local Plan – Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) The SPD will set out detailed guidance to appli- cants in terms of how the policies in the Local Plan can be met. Focusing on climate change mitigation, adaption and resilience, guidance…
… will include ensuring the buildings are located in sus- tainable locations benefiting from a reduced need to travel / travel by public means; designed and positioned to benefit from passive solar gain; and how to incorporate low carbon technol- ogies into new developments / which are most appropriate. After the new Lo- cal Plan Adoption n/a n/a Local Plan budget 30 n/a n/a Planning 29…
… The budget for preparing the Local Plan has been agreed by Cabinet at Meeting of 12 February 2020. 30 The budget for preparing the Local Plan has been agreed by Cabinet at meeting of 12 February 2020. The cost for implementing measures required as part of the new Local Plan will be met by applicants. Elmbridge Borough Council - Carbon Management and Reduction Plan 2020 – 2030 (V1.2) 15…