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Search results for "local development plan"

Including 8 closely related terms such as develop, development, and local plan.

1 result

Selby District Council

Direct link to biodiversity plan (PDF)

… through: Support for environmentally friendly agricultural methods, and the protection of the rural economy. Development Planning to have a clear approach to the avoidance or mitigation of adverse impacts on habitats as a result of development. Controls on water management and pollution. Protection of areas of high biodiversity interest (e.g. Sites of Special Scientific Interest) (SSSI…

… to sustainable development and to conserving the diversity of our wildlife. Regional Planning Guidance for Yorkshire and The Humber to the year 2016 (RPG12, published October 2001) now requires local planning 7 Approved Selby Local Biodiversity Action Plan August 2004 authorities to identify and develop policies for areas important to the conservation of biodiversity. This is to be done…

… that development will normally be permitted only where it would not harm the character and appearance, general amenity value or nature conservation interests of the surrounding area. 17. The Deposit Draft Selby District Local Plan (19976), as amended by modifications, contains policies with clear objectives to: Protect sites and habitats of nature conservation interest from inappropriate…

…, it also identifies specific and positive actions that can be undertaken to conserve the District’s biodiversity. Legal context for biodiversity 19. Biodiversity Action Plans are not a statutory requirement of the Local Planning Authority. However, Planning Policy Guidance (PPG) 1 advises that detailed issues may best be considered by preparing Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG…

…). The content of the BAP has been kept consistent with Local Plan polices, and was formally adopted as SPG on the 3 August 2004. It is a material consideration in determining planning applications. 20. Further, PPG9 directs that Local Authorities should understand their nature conservation resource. 21. The Local Government Act 2000, places a statutory duty on local authorities to prepare…


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