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Search results for "local development plan"

Including 14 closely related terms such as development plans, development, and develop.

1 result

Pendle Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (HTML)

… brownfield sites for new developments  Review and audit Council’s Draft Local Development Plan and Policies to ensure that they comply with the Climate Emergency and the Council commitment to achieve zero carbon by 2030  Reduce the harmful impacts of waste and water consumption Strategic objectives Reduce Single Plastic Use in the council and in the community Embed environmental practices…

… cycling routes for safer cycling and walking  Enhance Pendle’s electric charging point infrastructure, subject to funding  Promote the canal tow path as a safe cycling and walking route  Ensure all development plans commit to carbon offsetting measures to reduce the overall impact to zero  Reduce carbon emissions and energy demand from the built environment Strategic objectives Heat our…

…-standards and reduce domestic emissions  Develop and implement a Pendle Home Energy programme via Cozy Homes in Lancashire (CHiL)  Review the effectiveness of existing Policy ENV3 Renewable and Low Carbon Generation and Policy ENV20 in the Part 2 Local Plan (LP) to support the delivery of renewable technologies on new developments (Policy ENV20 in the Part 2 Local Plan (LP2) will supplement and update…


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