Including 4 closely related terms such as develop, develop plan, and local plan.
… meetings subsequently, with more proposed. Meetings have supported development of policies borough to carbon neutrality for the Local Plan Update so far. 1.5 Support local residents and communities, including town and parish councils, to take local Climate Emergency action, including provision of a toolkit to help plan and deliver local action and promotion of ‘The Greening…
… documents. Further consideration will be needed as detailed work progresses. 2.9 To include climate change mitigation and adaptation as a central theme within the Local Plan Update, being as aspirational as possible for the built environment, both domestic and non-domestic, within national planning framework Enabler - High None 2020 – 2024 Local Plan Issues and Options…
… consultation. Policy development with Local Plan MAP – meetings held Issues and Options consultation ran from Sep - Nov 2020, including climate change as key aspect, highlighting general support for high standards, as reported to EPH committee in March 2021. Work ongoing on evidence base for strong climate change policies. Being discussed at joint Local Plan and Climate Emergency MAP…
… and advice at pre-app stage Current applications are required to meet the requirements in the existing Local Plan, however, additional measures are being investigated. Wherever the council has an opportunity to exert influence then higher standards are being sought 2.11 Promoting and encouraging implementation of the ‘Manydown Standard’ within the Manydown High High 2023 onwards…
… including energy and water saving ensure sustainability remains at the heart of proposals. Master developers Urban&Civic are the Development Manager leading on operational delivery and community engagement and all parties are anticipating the planning permission will be issued Autumn 2021, following which, more detailed sitewide design will progress. 2.12 Develop plan to support…