Including 17 closely related terms such as development plans, local development scheme, and develop.
… together to prepare the JSP and develop a South Essex Local Planning Portfolio. July 2018: ASELA agrees first stage Statement of Common Ground and Strategic Planning Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and recommends for endorsement to all South Essex LPAs and Essex County Council. All South Essex LPAs update their Local Development Schemes (LDS) and agree to update their Statement of Community…
… processes will be set out in the individual Local Development Schemes (LDS) but are summarised in Annex 5. 9.3 It is intended that the emerging JSP will provide the ‘effective strategic planning mechanism’ to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Duty to Cooperate, with the existing joint work, evidence base and shared governance through ASELA demonstrating that cooperation is proactive…
… that it aligns with other strategic priorities. Although the JSP will be prepared on the basis of collaboration through ASELA, formal decisions on the JSP at key stages in its preparation (identified in each local planning authorities’ Local Development Scheme) will be taken by the individual local planning authorities which will continue to retain the statutory local planning duty (as set out…
…/government/consultations/draft-revised-national-planning-policy-framework 3 1.4 The SCG will be agreed and signed by all seven partner authorities by the end of July 2018, initiating the formal process for preparing the JSP. At this point, individual LPAs will update their Local Development Schemes (LDS) to reflect the new portfolio approach to plan-making across the sub-region. 2…
… and the implementation of the spatial strategy. This SCG sets out how the spatial strategy workstream will be implemented through a new local planning ‘portfolio’, with a Joint Strategic Plan providing the overarching framework within which more focused local development plans will be prepared (see Figure 4 below). 7.2 The JSP will also provide a reference framework for the preparation of a Strategic…