Including 6 closely related terms such as leisure centre, leisure facilities, and leisure facilities.
… Leisure Centre site by using solar panels, a mixed-mode ventilation strategy and the creation of a high performance building ● Extension of our walking and cycling infrastructure: Go Cycle schemes now cover approximately 13 kilometers of two-way cycle routes across the borough 3…
…-%20Initial%20Assessment%20-%20without%20frontsheet.pdf ● Development of Habitat Action Plans and a new Biodiversity strategy, following a recent review and update of our local Sites of Important Nature Conservation ● Further development of our district heating proposal, aiming to provide heat to homes, public buildings and businesses in and around Kingston Town Centre that would bring significant…
…, neighbouring south London boroughs and the GLA, which will result in new funding for green skills development across local businesses ○ Creating ‘deep green’ high streets and town centres Theme 6: Sustainable Council In order to achieve our target, we have to drive energy efficiency and carbon reduction through all council business. This will involve changing how we commission services to influence our…
… related emissions associated largely with the Council’s main properties and operations. In terms of gas related emissions, this category includes all Council owned and operated buildings and facilities including educational facilities, such as adult education centres, car parks and other public parking, cemeteries and crematoria, leisure facilities operated directly by the Council, parks and greenspaces…
… are 6779.53 tCO2e. Scope 2 covers carbon emitted from electricity usage in council buildings and street lighting. Based on available data for 2017/18, 82% of the electricity emissions are from council buildings including Adult Educational facilities, car parks, cemetery and crematorium, leisure facilities, parks, care homes, libraries, and community centres and halls. Also, it includes emissions from 34…