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Search results for "leisure centres"

Including the closely related terms leisure centre, and leisure centres.

1 result

Southend-on-Sea Borough Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… 2.2.5. Undertake feasibility work to identify how the Council’s large sites e.g. leisure centres, theatres, schools can be used to create local energy projects that link to nearby households. Study on Council buildings and review of DNO (Distribution Networks Operator) constraints to deliver projects. Cost: Covered by EMPOWER 2.0 budget. Increased understanding of how…

…. 13 Focus Area Two: Creating a Pathway to Net Zero Carbon Sub-Priority Action Output Measure of Success / Outcome Owner Delivery Date 2.1. Building Energy Efficiency Measures across our own Property Estate. 2.1.1. Undertake a review and audit of energy efficiency opportunities across the Council’s property estate (to include civic buildings, leisure

centres and theatres, South Essex Homes etc) – this will include identifying opportunities to improve indoor air quality. Recommendation Report for the energy review / audit that aims to ensure that ALL of the Council’s property estate has an energy rating of between A-C (DEC). Cost: £20k (est.) Clear pathway to invest in energy saving measures across the council’s property…


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