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Search results for "leisure centres"

Including 5 closely related terms such as leisure centres, leisure centre, and leisure facilities.

1 result

Slough Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… The Slough Urban Renewal scheme seeks to enhance business connectivity, local schooling and provide high quality homes and leisure facilities. Protecting the Suburbs Strategy and the Spatial Strategy The Protecting the Suburbs Strategy supports the emerging Spatial Strategy for the Local Plan for Slough. The Spatial Strategy outlines the vision for more green infrastructure across the borough…

… buildings & facilities (4.1%): Public sector buildings including schools, collages and educational buildings, health centres, hospitals, leisure centres, Council buildings etc. o Industrial buildings & facilities (21.3%): Larger industrial facilities, including factories, warehouses and workshops associated with manufacturing and engineering. o Commercial buildings & facilities (14…

… published) will set out the long-term overall vision for how the borough should develop. The new Local Plan will update building design and have policies to help tackle climate change and adaptation. Five Year Plan 2025: Outcome two of the Five Year Plan 2025 prioritises the health and wellbeing needs of residents through increased activity, the improvement of outdoor and indoor leisure

facilities. Additionally, outcome five prioritises a modal shift to sustainable forms of transport across the borough. Slough Inclusive Growth Strategy 2020-2025: Slough's Inclusive Growth Strategy focuses on quality employment and education augmented by a greater living and working environment. The Strategy also includes Slough’s Climate Challenge, which provides a platform to showcase…


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