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Search results for "leisure centres"

Including the closely related terms leisure centres, and leisure centre.

1 result

London Borough of Islington

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…: • Achieving a 42% reduction in borough- wide carbon emissions between 2005 and 2018, meaning we met our 2020 target of a 40% reduction ahead of schedule despite a 30% increase in our population over the corresponding period. • Launching the Bunhill Heat & Power Network, connecting Phase 1 (serving 600 homes, two leisure centres and four office blocks) and completed a Phase 2 expansion, adding…

… measures at the Sobell Leisure Centre and Islington Tennis Centre, delivering significant reductions in cost and carbon emissions In response to this climate emergency, we as the council are taking the lead but we need you to help us achieve our ambitions together. Councillor Rowena Champion Executive Member for Environment and Transport 6 Introduction 7 Introduction Islington…

… carbon heat to around 1,200 homes and public buildings such as leisure centres and schools. • We’ve also been working on delivering a healthy, safer and more accessible transport environment, highlighted in our new transport strategy. Accomplishing this involves working closely with businesses to figure out ways that freight can maintain access to buildings without having as much impact…


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