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Search results for "leisure centres"

Including the closely related terms town centre, and town centre.

1 result

Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…, communities and businesses, what truly makes them happy, and focusing on their strengths and talents. We listened to fantastic ideas ranging from the future of town centres to opportunities for young people, from being part of a caring community to living in a clean and green place. One of the biggest themes that was highlighted by many residents was just how proud people are of our borough, and how…

… the consequences of food shortages and the impacts this will have on our health and food security • By taking action to reduce pollution and contamination we will reduce the potential risk of harm to human health and the wider environment Our Place Vibrant town centre for all An environment to be proud of Embracing culture, sporting and heritage • By creating a cleaner, greener place it will make…


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