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Search results for "leisure centres"

Including the closely related terms leisure centres, and leisure centre.

1 result

Mole Valley District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… the national grid. Beyond this, a further 3,389 tCO2e p.a. reduction must be achieved to meet the 2030 carbon neutral target. The largest emissions source is from buildings leased by the Council to third party operators, which accounts for 42% of emissions. These are Leatherhead Leisure Centre, Dorking Leisure Centre and Meadowbank sports ground. Emissions from procured goods…

… ports. 306 tonnes CO2e saved per annum Capital Investment of £720K, , payback period circa 9 years High O (Scope 1 and 2) Report considered February 2021 Develop a business case for the installation of solar panel car ports at Leatherhead Leisure Centre Car park. 60 tonnes CO2e saved per annum Capital Investment of £415K, payback period circa 9 years…

… / target Cost Carbon Impact Own operations (O) or District wide (D) Timescale  Meadowbank  Dorking Sports Centre  Leatherhead Leisure Centre Develop a business case for all Council vehicles to be powered by electric or renewable fuel sources. Business case developed. Target: 7 out of 19 vehicles replaced by March 2022 Existing Enabling O (Scope 1) 2021/22…

… introduction of new rounds Existing Medium D Campaign delivered throughout 2021/22 Baseline by June 21 Continue the implementation of the Council’s Single Use Plastic Strategy focussing on services used by the public e.g. Dorking Halls and leisure centres. Reusable plastic cups piloted in Dorking Halls Existing Low O Pilot introduced by - December 2020…

… 3 16 | P a g e Area Action Measure / target Cost Carbon Impact Own Operations / District wide Timescale Action plan agreed with Leisure Centres Action Plan agreed - March 2021 Provide support to interested community organisations to deliver the plastic free communities and reuse initiatives…


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