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Search results for "leisure centres"

Including the closely related terms leisure centres, and leisure centre.

1 result

London Borough of Haringey

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… at 2027. This will include core council operational buildings and all transport-related activities undertaken by the Council in the delivery of core services. The rest of the buildings from which the Council delivers services and is directly responsible for the energy bills (such as leisure centres, libraries and schools) will be net zero carbon as soon as it is possible. To bring this forward…

… our emissions by 36% compared to 2005 levels1. The 2008 Plan set out a strategic and planned approach to reducing carbon emissions from our estate and operations. The Plan targeted the areas of the Council’s activity which contributed most to our carbon emissions (e.g., swimming pools and leisure centres, car parks, the vehicle fleet, offices, and community centres). Since Haringey’s…

… all its corporate operations. These cover the buildings that are owned by the Council, buildings from where Council services are delivered, buildings that have Council employees in them, and where the Council pays the energy bills – as well as the activities carried out from these buildings. This will include schools, libraries, leisure centres, depots, adult centres, and children’s centres…

… the schools to switch. Energy contracts are in three- year cycles. 3. To develop a Power Purchase Agreement (which would mean direct investment in renewables) with an energy supplier for the Council’s Electrical needs by 2025. Owner: Carbon Management. 4. Deliver a net Zero Carbon Action Plan for all corporate buildings (including schools and leisure centres). Start to deliver measures based…


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