Including the closely related terms town centre, and town centre.
… to taxi use needed in the town centre in-line with the EST report recommendations of: 3 by 2021 16 by 2025 21 by 2027 23 by 2030 25 by 2036 Outcome: Monitor charging point provision and ensure they are sufficient by paying for the costs, applying for grant funding, or entering a partnership to ensure provision meets need and market growth. Cost and responsibility: Costs vary dependent on location…
… aim to plant 1.5 million trees in Kent by 2050 to increase canopy cover by 2% increase to 19%, of which Maidstone’s proportion is to increase canopy cover from 16% to 18%. With an emphasis on expanding ancient forests and reconnecting of existing woodland including urban woods, greening town centres, and where feasible increase tree cover on our estate land. Output: plan and mapping to increase…