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Search results for "leisure centres"

Including the closely related terms leisure centres, and leisure centre.

1 result

Rushcliffe Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… £ Improving business and industry efficiency 1.3. Carry out an audit across the existing property portfolio of potential fabric thermal upgrades (insulation), water consumption and all plant, confirming all is optimised in terms of operation and deliver upgrades (including filtration pumps at leisure centres as necessary) and install minor measures where possible (eg TRVs) and produce…

… to D2N2 Energy Strategy 1.7. Review the portfolio of leisure centres including Bingham, East Leake and Keyworth and consider installation of CHP units where appropriate. Waste and Contracts L High - Up to 30% Leisure Centre emissions (WebRef2) Potentially more if Hydrogen fuelled ~£220k per site for CHP installation (plus removal of old system and retrofit cost). £85k…

… for other low carbon technology (Based on estimate for Bingham Leisure Centre) (possible for Salix interest free loan)  Delivering clean, smart, flexible power 1.8. Carry out a review of opportunities to reduce the IT carbon footprint by updating ICT plant with lower carbon equipment (including server equipment, printers, workstations etc) and enforcing power saving policies…

… of opportunities to fit PV / alternative energy generation and storage to property portfolio (including land, buildings and in car parks) – See also B8.1 Property Services M TBC Bingham LC PV 200 sq. m = £60k £ Delivering clean, smart, flexible power 8.2. Audit council leisure centres with a view to preparing a business case for putting PV on all roofs Property Services M TBC Bingham LC…

… 15 | P a g e OFFICIAL B. Influencing Actions Ref. Action Lead Specialist Timescale Potential CO2e Saving Financial Cost (in addition to officer time) Co- benefits Link to D2N2 Energy Strategy B1. Property Assets 1.1. Provide free to use cold-water dispenser in all public areas of property portfolio (including Leisure Centres) Property Services M Low impact…


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