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Search results for "leisure centres"

Including 4 closely related terms such as leisure centre, leisure centres, and new leisure centre.

1 result

North West Leicestershire District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… plan for the new leisure centre The current design was developed before the climate emergency was declared and has limited scope to be amended before construction. A phased retrofit plan should be developed to improve the building fabric, replace the proposed gas-fired CHP with a heat pump and ensure the PV array meets best practices. 3y Mine-water heating Start a pilot project using mine…

… ACHIEVING A ZERO CARBON COUNCIL BY 2030 – ACTION PLAN Power 3y Install PVs on the Council’s non-domestic buildings, starting with the largest roof areas: The Council’s Offices and the Ashby Leisure Centre 3y Ensure that the electricity supply to all the Council’s assets is based on a 100% renewable tariff Install PVs on the Council’s housing stock Install wind turbines on the Council’s…

… choices of food served on Council owned premises, including Council offices and leisure centres. 3y Set up a pilot Agroforestry project on council owned land to raise awareness of the principles, especially among allotment users and small farms Protect Heathlands and Wetlands Liaise with the RSPB and local wildlife partnerships to seek support for enhancement and management of the River Mease…

… and on the area to the South West of Chilcote. Lobby central government to change planning laws for onshore wind Buildings and towns 3y Work with partners to ensure all buildings operated on behalf of the Council are low carbon Require the low carbon staged retrofit of existing buildings owned by the Council but operated by others (e.g. Hood Park leisure centre) Urge Leicestershire County…


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