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Search results for "leisure centres"

Including 4 closely related terms such as leisure centres, leisure centre, and leisure sites.

1 result

Borough of Broxbourne

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… Trott Leisure Centre. than the current deal. greener electricity through this but the financial implications will need to be explored. 1.7 Reduce waste and increase recycling from Council offices and leisure centres. (was 1.6) Facilities Manager Leisure Centre Manager Strategy and Business Manager for Sport Higher percentage of waste recycled. Baseline data set…

… in March 2021. £15k capital for standardising bins / recycling points across all Council facilities. New bins installed at Bishops College and The Spotlight. This includes both internal and external bins. Leisure sites are awaiting the outcome of the review by the Facilities Manager of the internal recycling bins. Rollout at Leisure Sites will follow. Paper and cardboard…

… to purchase commodities from Fair Trade sources to all contracts to provide food and beverages at Council facilities with Fairtrade coffee. 3.4 Increase use of environmentally friendly cleaning products in Council buildings, subject to sanitisation requirements arising from COVID-19 epidemic. Facilities Manager, Leisure Centres Manager, Strategy and Business Manager (Sport…

…) Subject to affordability, evidence of increased use of cleaning products that do not contain environmentally harmful ingredients such as bleach. Existing Tersano installed which reduces the use of a significant percentage of cleaning chemicals. The Leisure Sites continue to look at introducing environmentally friendly chemicals 12 but have to balance the cost…

…. Clenzair active air filtration systems installed at Laura Trott Leisure Centre and John Warner Sports Centre. This system kills viruses and bacteria without the need to disinfect using traditional methods. The new active filtration system can neutralize a virus or bacteria suspended in the air or on any surface in the room. In addition to neutralizing both surface and airborne…


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