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Search results for "leisure centres"

Including 4 closely related terms such as leisure centres, leisure centre, and town centre.

1 result

Borough of Broxbourne

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… office space requirement by 30% by March 20223 Existing 1.4 Increase proportion of gas and electricity supply that are from sustainable sources Head of Property At renewal of current energy supplier contract, increase proportion of gas and electricity that has to be from sustainable sources. Existing 1.5 Reduce waste and increase recycling from Council offices and leisure centres

… goods Leisure Centres Manager Facilities Manager X% of commodities covered by the Fair Trade scheme (coffee, tea, sugar, cocoa and chocolate, bananas, dried fruit, spices and nuts) are purchased from Fair Trade sources. Existing 3,5 Increase use of environmentally friendly cleaning products in Council buildings, subject to sanitisation requirements arising from COVID-19 epidemic…

…. Head of Property Facilities Manager Leisure Centres Manager Evidence of increased use of cleaning products that do not contain environmentally harmful ingredients such as bleach. Existing 9 A GREENER BROXBOURNE This priority deals with protecting and enhancing the Borough’s environment, tackling air pollution and providing more greenery to help offset carbon emissions…

… in the Borough. Existing 6.4 Add colour to town centres, parks and roundabouts by planting more flowers and flowering shrubs. Green Spaces Manager Programme of planting in place Visual evidence of flowers and flowering shrubs from spring 2021 onwards. Additional funding required 6.5 Consider introducing the Tree Warden Scheme4 to the Borough Green Spaces Manager Volunteers assist…

… is committed to do all it reasonably can to safeguard their future and to protect the Borough’s attractive natural environment. The Council has already taken action. Over the last eight years the Council has reduced the carbon footprint of Council buildings by X%1 a year through energy-saving measures such as putting photovoltaic panels on roofs and installing a biomass boiler at Laura Trott Leisure


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