Including the closely related terms land management, and land assets.
… to enhance the natural environment and help reduce greenhouse gases and impurities in the atmosphere 6.1.5 Protecting and Enhancing our Natural Environment: ‘Green’ our towns by supporting the creation of more green zones and planting more urban trees CN011 Explore the opportunity for procuring new land assets with the aim of supporting the Council's renewable and carbon offsetting…
… objectives, enhancing biodiversity and addressing nutrient neutrality Potential new land assets are sourced to accommodate renewables, enhance biodiversity and/or carbon offsetting activities as well as addressing nutrient neutrality Short term Medium term WBC Env Delivery Not started Medium/High Not mentioned Ref Actions…
… and impurities in the atmosphere 6.1.5 Protecting and Enhancing our Natural Environment: ‘Green’ our towns by supporting the creation of more green zones and planting more urban trees CN014 Assess Council land assets for the potential for a solar farm and, subject to identifying suitable sites, engage with specialist contractors and the LPA to develop a detailed feasibility and business case…
… new solar farms on council land assets Delivery of solar farms to contribute to the target of 21.5 megawatts Short term Medium term WBC Env Delivery In progress, on track High 5.1 Carbon neutral by 2030: Renewable energy infrastructure will be installed on all Council sites where it is feasible to do so CN016 Work with stakeholders and support community…
… decision taken by the Council Short term Ongoing WBC Env Delivery In progress, on track Medium Not mentioned CN019 Work closely with landowners and farming/ agricultural communities to explore opportunities for natural sequestration through environmental land management techniques Contacts are created within these communities…