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Pembrokeshire County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… the Private, Third and Community Sectors 20 3.7 Integration, Communication and Behaviours 22 Appendix 1 Action Plan 25 Appendix 2 Carbon-reduction Summary 28 Appendix 3 Climate Emergency – Housing; Planning, Development; Land Use and Biodiversity; Regeneration; Coastal Protection, Flooding and Drainage; Transportation and Highways; Waste and Environmental Services; Procurement; Education…

… as the non-affiliated Members on the Working Group. The ‘Net Zero 2030 Working Group’, as it has now become known, first met on 20 September 2019 and has subsequently met quarterly (with an interruption due to Covid-19). Subgroups were established for the following areas: Procurement, Energy/Buildings/Housing, Land Use/Assets/Development, Fleet/Transport/ Mobility/Active Travel and Behaviours…


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