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Search results for "land use"

Including the closely related term land management.

1 result

Ashford Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… environment. Good habitat management can help store carbon and poor habitat management can result in carbon being released. Priority 7: Protect, enhance and increase green space for the benefit of people and wildlife Objective Actions Outcomes Measures 7.1 Improve biodiversity on council owned land Develop and implement land management plans for council owned land which provide specific vision, aims…

… as possible, reaching net zero by 2050. In 2018 the borough’s total carbon emissions was 598.6 ktCO2 (BEIS Data). The pie chart below shows how different sectors make up this total. 70.2 ktCO2 is absorbed by land use such as forests, cropland and grassland, This action plan has eight priorities: Priority 1: Raise awareness of climate change and increase understanding and knowledge Priority 2…

… and objectives for the ongoing maintenance and enhancement of parcels of land in a given locality Enhanced biodiversity of open spaces in the borough increasing key species. Land management plans will support the balance of appropriate wildlife habitat and biodiversity within amenity spaces and urban areas ensuring that maintenance regimes are appropriate to the character of the land and ensure…

… encourages local food production and purchase with a reduction in food miles 1. Downloads of community gardens guidance 2. Number of community gardens created 7.3 Reduce environmental degradation through land management and habitat creation Explore the creation of wildlife habitats in the borough Improvement in river water quality Increase in biodiversity 1. Number of key species 2. Level…

… of pollutants in local water courses Work with land based industries and relevant agencies to implement sustainable land management practices What we’ve been doing: The management plan for Queen Mothers Park is in progress together with developing guidance for community gardens. A successful bid to the Urban Tree Challenge will result in 6666 trees being planted at Chilmington, with planting work…


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