Including the closely related term land management.
… and consists of representatives from Civil Contingencies, Public Health, Highways and Infrastructure, Flood risk and Drainage, Business, Parks, Corporate Land Management and Greenspaces, Community Engagement and PR & Media. Representatives external to the Council will be invited to join where appropriate. The Our Adaptation and Resilience Group will meet on a quarterly basis, to track…
… the potential to undertake winter maintenance preventative treatments to footways and cycleways, ensuring that sustainable active travel is encouraged throughout the winter months and lowers the potential risk / liability of injury to the public. 1 year Review Complete Additional budget and resources maybe be required if further resilience needed Internal: Corporate Land Management External…
… may be sourced internally. Collaborate effectively with partners to understand funding and resource requirements Internal: Major Projects, Planning Policy, Corporate Land Management External: Environment Agency, United Utilities 27 Action Number The Deal 2030 Priorities Lead Service Areas Action A – Adaptation R - Resilience Timescales Key Performance Indicators…
…, heatwaves and droughts and cold snaps. 1-2 years Review complete and map developed Within existing resources Internal: Joint Intelligence Unit, Civil Contingencies, ICT and Digital External: GMCA, Environment Agency 30 4. Corporate Land Management Lead Officer : Karen Hewitt, Corporate Land Manager Action Number The Deal 2030 Priorities Lead…
… Service Areas Action A – Adaptation R - Resilience Timescales Key Performance Indicators Resources / Financing Required Partner Organisations / departments 4.1 Our People Corporate Land Management A/R - Explore the feasibility of increasing the volume of greenspaces and sustainable urban drainage systems on corporate land and priority locations across the borough, to reduce…