Including the closely related term land management.
… with the community, habitat creation projects, biodiversity and ecological enhancement and land management. In doing so, their work is making a positive contribution to addressing the climate and ecological emergency in West Oxfordshire. Opportunities for staff to volunteer on future tree-planting days organised by The Wychwood Project are being promoted across the Council to raise awareness…
… objective and directly relates to the Council’s Carbon Action Plan. Assess opportunities for investment into strategic-level, renewable energy infrastructure on Council buildings, Council-owned land and in other areas of the District in order to offset remaining carbon emissions. Having implemented steps of the energy hierarchy by i) reducing energy demand, ii) supplying low…
… and the natural landscape, contributing to net-biodiversity gain, improving access to natural green spaces for education, health and wellbeing. Implement strategic-level, habitat recovery and creation projects (e.g. woodland) through land management for people and biodiversity. Work as a partner in the delivery of biodiversity work for Oxfordshire’s Conservation Target Areas (CTAs) and emerging…