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Search results for "land use"

Including the closely related term own land.

1 result

West Dunbartonshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…. miles, West Dunbartonshire is a small Council both in terms of population and land coverage. However, despite its size, West Dunbartonshire boasts a diverse range of land uses, natural and built resources, and a mix of dense urban form, rugged moorland and spectacular watercourses. The Council is responsible for provision of a range of services to its residents and citizens, which includes…

… and emissions taken out of the atmosphere. Simply, this means that for all the emissions produced there must be mitigating actions in place to remove the same level of emissions from the atmosphere. This is illustrated in Figure 5. The interventions range from land-use change methods, tree-planting, rewilding, peatland restoration, investing in carbon-offsetting charities, technical solutions…

… important In order to set a net zero pathway and actions means of reducing our environmental impact for this Strategy the following information was collated; and associated costs. However, to ensure that the Council and our community are Net Zero by 2045, we must look for ways to physically remove = An understanding of greenhouse gas carbon from the atmosphere from our own land emissions…

… planting initiatives on our own land. Additional areas will projections. Emissions reduction pathway to net zero Appendix I details how emissions have been projected out to 2045 under a ‘Status Quo’ monitoring scenario, including grid electricity projections to account for future decarbonisation of the grid itself. Such a scenario is insufcient to achieving ‘net zero’. The following chart…

… pathway to Net Zero Current Scottish National inventory need to be assessed on existing Council-owned land to identify further opportunities for direct A long-term 2045 net zero emissions reduction carbon removal. target has been set for the Council. This has been developed in a way that mirrors the emission Therefore, theoretically the Council could reduction trajectory set by Scottish…


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