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Search results for "land use"

Including the closely related terms own land, and land assets.

1 result

Mole Valley District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… resilience. This would include decentralised, renewable and low carbon energy supply systems as well as support for green infrastructure. The overall aims and objectives of this Strategy will, where appropriate, be reflected in land use policy to be set out in the Local Plan and any supplementary planning guidance developed by the Council. In particular the Council will produce supplementary…

… planning guidance to identify suitable areas for renewable and low carbon energy sources, and supporting infrastructure, where this would help secure their provision. Land use: protecting our green spaces, increasing biodiversity and maintaining opportunities for the public to access and enjoy our green spaces. Working with the countryside management partnerships, Surrey Wildlife Trust…

…. Procurement Toolkit updated Existing High O (Scope 3) April 2021 All Council committee papers to include consideration of carbon impacts of the policy or decision being made. Report template changed. Training provided to staff Existing Low O (Scope 3) April 2021 Land use Work with partners to facilitate the planting of native trees in appropriate areas, including supporting…

… community tree planting initiatives and leading by example by planting on MVDC’s own land. Suitable MVDC owned sites and number of trees to be planted to be identified. Existing Offsetting O/D March 2022 Continue to monitor MVDC land for biodiversity. Annual survey Existing Mitigation O March 2022 and ongoing Funding Investigate feasibility of implementing a Mole Valley community…

… Hills Board to develop a range of safe, continuous and connected routes for commuters, recreational cyclists and school children, building on Active Travel measures. Strategic cycle routes developed. Nil Enabling D 2021/22 Review MVDC land assets to assess whether opportunities exist to develop new cycle paths on MVDC land, to link to existing cycle routes. Review…


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