Including the closely related terms agricultural land, and own land.
…. Wetter autumns and winters will also reduce productivity by disrupting the timing of farm management activities, and by causing increased flooding in low-lying agricultural areas. Valuable ecosystem services such as biodiversity and pollination provided by well-managed agricultural land are also threatened by the impact of climate change on water resources. Environment Agency: State…
… for invasive species and increase the risk of them spreading diseases. Native disease vectors such as ticks and mosquitos may also increase in numbers or geographical range as temperature and moisture levels change. For example, hot, dry weather can lead to increased areas of stagnant water, which would be likely to increase the spread of mosquito-borne diseases, should they be introduced. Land-use…
… with the manufacturing of a product. C6 Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation C6.1 To put in place a water efficiency strategy for all Council operations (i.e. green space management), then monitor, record and report year on year savings. C6.2 To ensure the Council’s flood resilience and management work incorporates a changing climate and that the Council’s own land and property decisions consider…