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Search results for "land management"

Including the closely related term land use.

1 result

Swindon Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. This is produced by burning fossil fuels, industrial production and land use change.  A number of other GHGs are also driving global climate change: methane, nitrous oxide, and trace gases such as the group of ‘F-gases’. These have contributed a significant amount of warming to date.  The term “carbon” can be confusing as it is often used as shorthand to refer interchangeably to either CO2 or GHGs…

… 40,079.09 Wastewater 13,723.81 - NO 13,723.81 Industrial process 19,132.19 - - 19,132.19 Livestock 18,022.39 - - 18,022.39 Land use - 15,005.98…

… England. F8 Work in partnership with our tenant farmers to increase the biodiversity potential of their farmland through land use diversification and alternative planting regimes Ongoing Rob Richards / David Dewart Work is ongoing to identify areas of tenanted farmland and other SBC own land available for tree planting using the funding it has secured for the Great Western Community…


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