Including 5 closely related terms such as management, manage, and management plan.
… stewardship. This will be carried out with a new, dedicated biodiversity and countryside land-management staff member. Land Management Plans will be developed. Page | 16 ● working with councils, regional and local partners to identify and deliver strategic opportunities for the restoration of natural ecosystems, improving habitat connectivity, wildlife corridors, and nature-based…
…: Page | 8 ● Generating heat from clean energy such as solar, wind or hydrothermal and preventing the need for the burning of fossil fuels - a process of combustion that releases greenhouse gas emissions impacting on climate change - replaces an energy source so that climate change impact is mitigated. ● Changing land use, selecting crops, restoring and creating new ecosystems as a way…
…. 5 BEIS UK Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2005-2018, published June 2020 Page | 10 Figure 4. Total kilotonnes of CO2 Emissions in 2018 by Area & Sector. In the Council’s planning of climate action, it has been important to consider the total CO2 in the Local Authority’s Scope of Influence. This is a subset which excludes industrial sites, railways, motorways and land use…
… solutions in land-use management. For example, further developing a pilot initiative currently under way with Oxfordshire County Council and the Wychwood Project to assess a Natural Capital approach as a method for understanding the multiple benefits of nature, informing strategic opportunities for restoring natural ecosystems. ● partnering with councils in the development of Oxfordshire strategy…