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Search results for "land management"

Including 4 closely related terms such as management, manage, and management policy.

1 result

Stroud District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… ENVIRONMENT TH EM ES IN TR O D U C TIO N N EX T STEPS PAGE 18 l STROUD DISTRICT COUNCIL l THE 2030 STRATEGY MASTER PLAN OUR COMMITMENTS 2020-23 2023-27 2027-30 RATIONALE INDICATORS OF SUCCESS… EX EM PL A R in o ur o w n op er at io ns NE1 Our Land Management Review land use and management policies and practice to prioritise sequestration and biodiversity interests…

… environmental benefits such as more wildflowers that attract pollinators. Nature Recovery Strategy and targets e.g. New Woodlands planted; species countsNE2 Strategy for adaptation and mitigation We will include mitigation and adaptation issues in our land management policy and practice review. This will include consideration of issues like increasing tree canopy cover; protection of native…

… we source and produce food, develop our agriculture supply chains and deal with food waste – this cuts across a broad range of actions, including land use, transportation, waste and resources, our economy particularly the farming sector and, community. Water Flooding, water consumption and water stewardship – this topic is touched upon by almost all the themes, but is particularly linked…

… in decision making. We will identify and develop further re-wilding and land use for Climate Emergency Response projects and targets as part of a Nature Recovery Strategy and monitor their implementation and progress. Council owned land is being managed to high standards of ecological sensitivity. The council will consider further improvements including the potential to purchase land…

… that measures are in place that control its impacts on nature. Standards in place; capital projects realised NE6 Natural Capital Collaborate pan-county to develop wildlife/land use mapping and ‘natural capital assessment’ to provide an evidence base and tool for developing joined up decisions Engage with farmers and landowners to influence land use practices that can have positive and negative…


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